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Pascal Allegret
242, Route de Bilieu



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price from €60





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Description for B&B:

This flour mill, located in the town of Chirens in the heart of the Dauphiné region, commenced operations on the Cras river around 1840. Originally owned by the Richard-Martin family, who were millers for generations, this mill was painted pink in 1895. The water flows through a canal, then a suspended channel, before finally entering the troughs which cause the wheel to rotate due to its weight. Inside, large spur gears connect two pairs of grinding wheels: one for grinding corn and the other for wheat. A horizontal axle, hanging from the ceiling, drives the vertical grinding wheel. Currently, certain components of the mill have been preserved, such as the wheat cleaner, trough elevators, bolters, and flour mixer. The residential area has been converted into accommodations, consisting of guest rooms and a kitchen.


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2 60 370 450




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  • Musee Mainssieux: Located in Voiron, this museum showcases a collection of artwork from the 19th and 20th centuries. It features works by local artists and hosts temporary exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Situated nearby, this regional nature park offers stunning natural scenery, hiking trails, and opportunities for wildlife spotting. It is a great place to immerse yourself in nature and enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Musee de la Grande Chartreuse: Situated in the town of Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, this museum provides insights into the history and traditions of the Carthusian monks. Visitors can learn about the process of making Chartreuse liqueur and explore the exhibits.
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